As time goes on…
Wait… what did you say?

It takes the pressure off. And the responsibility if you let it.
It’s two-sided.
As time goes on… with a plan and some effort, making the best of what you have, you’ll make something great
Not the right plan, not the right effort, but somewhere to start, a strong desire, the humility to change in the face of useful information, and the confidence that you can do it.
The other side is to leave the responsibility to time. As time goes on…
Time doesn’t heal. You heal, in time
Time doesn’t grow a company. You grow it, in time
If you keep smoking… as time goes on, you risk your lungs. Time didn’t do that…
Waking up at 5 am every day to read for 20 minutes will change you, in time.
Time is a nonspatial continuum, it flies with no reverse gear.
It presents itself to you but it doesn’t care much about you.
As time goes on…