Factory Reset
I wish it worked for humans

You’ll find it somewhere in your settings. It’s the button you hit when you’ve messed up the device and you don’t know how to fix it.
It simply says “reset devise to the exact way the manufacturer made it”
The thing with factory reset though, is, you lose your files, your apps, and all your data. The device will simply forget that you ever used it.
When we humans mess up. When we make a seemingly wrong decision and do things that make us uncomfortable in the moment, we so badly want to hit the factory reset button but we don’t. We don’t because we can’t.
We reach for the reset button by wishing…
A rather better way is to choose a file to keep the corrupt data — the data that messed up our system and we can put it in one of two file types. Lessons learned or regrets.
The first makes us better people, the other makes us depressed and react badly to people and situations that didn’t hurt us.
The first makes us forgive (first ourselves, then others) and see what’s possible. The other makes us bitter and angry.
Time does not rewind and humans don’t reset. Humans don’t lose data, we only convert data and we store it.
The ultimate outcome of the choices we’ve made in the past depend on the ones we make now.
The choice will always be around and it’ll always be ours and that’s a good thing, something we can use to our advantage.