Live Fully

Then press replay

Olabanji Stephen
1 min readMay 7, 2021

My friend Ivie texts me today and we’re having a conversation about the recent deaths and how there are some big names there.

Should we be scared? Well, that depends.

Should we keep working so hard, knowing that something might just happen and… ? That depends too.

The reason their deaths were loud is that they lived for something and it was worth our respect.

When we live in fear of death, we run low on attention. Attention is limited in supply. There’s only so much you can pay attention to.
Living in fear of anything is deploying attention to the wrong.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “you don't live until you’ve found something you can die for”

Live fully, every day. It’s a sign of faith that you’d get a chance at another, and when you go, we can replay your life because it was worth our respect.

Shout out to Ubong King, Dare Adeboye, and all the great people we’ve lost as we replay their lives because they earned our respect.

When we work to make meaning, impact, and solve problems, we make our lives worth replaying. That’s something.

Choose to live fully.



Olabanji Stephen

I see the world differently and attempt to interpret it in ways that inspire genius