The table that tells a story

What we do or say yes to, tells a story about us, to others
What we don’t do and outrightly say no to, tells a story about us to others too
That’s not all, there’s a third part — what we consider. It tells a story about us to ourselves and it’s hard for others to tell because we are on the fence about it. However, It’s our chance to set standards, review who we claim to be, and live by principles.
It’s easy to find and jail the 18-year-old shooter that killed 19 students and 2 teachers at the Uvalde elementary school shooting, we even know his name. Arresting another person without proof will be in the wrong. The ones we can hardly prepare for are those contemplating the act.
This is not a crime story. Just one that calls for reflection.
When you’re contemplating a thing, you bring it to the table and everything on that table says something about you and you can learn YOU.
Non-negotiables are the things that don’t make it to the table. We might also call them principles.
What’s on the table for you?