The cost now and the cost later
And the cost much later, when we make a decision

A PS 5 console doesn't cost you 500 bucks, it costs 500 bucks plus all the time you’ll spend playing it and perhaps all the things you could have been doing with that time.
A new (non-electric) car doesn’t cost you $22,990, it costs $22,990 plus all the maintenance you’d do for as long as you use it, plus all the damage it’ll do to the climate by emitting its share of carbon and on and on.
A new relationship doesn't only cost a text or an Instagram follow or a date night, it takes patience and care and sacrifices and on and on.
How do we think of costs?
Because it pays to know that we don’t finish the payment when we swipe a card, we actually just started it.
It’s a ripple and although we can’t anticipate all that it’ll take, we can make better decisions by asking… what is this for? how does it help? what else might it cost me?
…because when we dive, we create ripples.