The Gut Feeling
Should you trust it?

Sometimes, your guts are right, other times, they are not.
So how do you know to make the right decision?
You don’t! The answer is – YOU REALLY DON’T.
But here’s something to guide you.
Most things you’ll do in life are a test so treat them that way.
4 years in college doesn’t mean you have to be a dentist and 5 years of experience doesn’t mean it’s the best path for you.
If you allow the two lights of greatness – intent and responsibility to guide you (because you can’t be wrong with those), you’ll always be on the right path.
Intent, because you know why and for who. Responsibility because you are right here, right now, doing what is required without holding anything back.
So, if your gut is all you have, trust it!
If it goes wrong (and that might cost you), take responsibility for it.
If you lead with intent and responsibility, you’ll always figure it out.
You can fail on how but you can’t fail on why.
And if your why is strong enough, you can afford everything it costs.
(Read that again)