What do you worry about?
Because it’s a sign

Climate change? Governance? People’s welfare? Contracts? Resource management? Teachers? Food?
What would you most want to see done better?
It could be that you care enough to change it or contribute to the change required.
It could be that you have a unique way of thinking about it.
It could be that you have more information about it than most people.
It could even be that you’ve had ugly experiences you need to heal from.
It could be…whatever… I don’t know.
What you must never do is ignore it.
When you consistently silence that part of yourself rather than find a way to explore it, it’s been clinically proven to have the potential to become deep-seated bitterness and resentment (and that doesn't help anyone, especially you)
And why not? Why not make meaning, create something, and place your foot in the sands of time as someone that contributed?
Why not see a therapist and get rid of the trauma and live your life?
Why not?!
I wrote a book on showing up, creating meaning, and staying productive. And it has helped hundreds of people. Get it here at any amount you choose.